As a new cat or kitten owner, choosing the kitten can seem like the easy part. Then there is the litter tray and all the different types of cat litter to navigate. From natural litter to open or closed trays, we'll help you find the right setup for your furry friends.
Here are some of the common questions on cat litter trays to help both you and your cat settle in!
Where should I put my cat's litter tray?
The best place for a litter tray is in a quiet, low traffic area of your house. Many people choose their laundries or bathrooms. These are both excellent options as long as doors remain open when not in use.
How far away should my cat's food be from their litter tray?
If possible, do not place your cat's food bowl and their litter tray in the same room. If you absolutely need to, place the litter tray in one corner of the room and the food bowl in the corner that's furthest away. Covering the littler tray can also help to provide some degree of separation if they have to be kept in the same room.
Do I need two litter trays for two cats?
Yes. One litter tray per cat is good, and the addition of an 'extra' tray is ideal. For new cats, an extra tray can be particularly helpful, as resident cats can chase newcomers away from 'their' litter trays.