Short Haired Cat Breeds

Short Haired Cat Breeds

Short haired cat breeds are known for their lower maintenance than other breeds.

They require less brushing than their longer-haired cousins (though they do benefit from some of it to keep their coats clean). Plus, this kind of feline is beautiful to behold.

Short-haired cat breeds range from the most common to exotic, so we've put together an outline of the most popular short haired cat breeds below.


The Abysinnian

Origin: Abysinnia

Age Expectancy: 9-15 yrs

Weight Range: 3-5kg

Shedding: Minimal

Energy Levels: High

Australian Mist Cat

Origin: Australia

Age Expectancy: Late Teens

Weight Range: 4-7kg

Shedding: Intermediate

Energy Levels: Medium

Bengal Cat

Origin: USA

Age Expectancy: Early Teens

Weight Range: 4-8kg

Shedding: Intermediate

Energy Levels: High

Bombay Cat

Origin: England & USA

Age Expectancy: 15 yrs

Weight Range: 4-7kg

Shedding: Minimal

Energy Levels: High

British Shorthair

Origin: England

Age Expectancy: 9-15 yrs

Weight Range: 4-7kg

Shedding: Minimal

Energy Levels: Intermediate


Origin: Burma

Age Expectancy: 18-20 yrs

Weight Range: 4-7kg

Shedding: Minimal

Energy Levels: High


Origin: England

Age Expectancy: 15 yrs

Weight Range: Up to 7kg

Shedding: Minimal

Energy Levels: High

Cornish Rex

Origin: England (Cornwall)

Age Expectancy: 9-15 yrs

Weight Range: 2.5 - 4.5kg

Shedding: Minimal

Energy Levels: High

Devon Rex

Origin: England (Devon)

Age Expectancy: 9-15 yrs

Weight Range: 2.5 - 4kg

Shedding: Minimal

Energy Levels: High

Domestic (Moggie)

Origin: Australia

Age Expectancy: 12-14 yrs

Weight Range: 3-5kg

Shedding: Minimal

Energy Levels: Intermediate

Exotic Shorthair

Origin: America

Age Expectancy: 9-15 yrs

Weight Range: 4-7kg

Shedding: Minimal

Energy Levels: Medium

Korat Cat

Origin: Thailand

Age Expectancy: 15 yrs

Weight Range: 2.5 - 5kg

Shedding: Minimal

Energy Levels: High

Manx Cat

Origin: England

Age Expectancy: 9-15 yrs

Weight Range: 4-7kg

Shedding: Minimal

Energy Levels: Medium

Ocicat (Oci)

Origin: America

Age Expectancy: Late Teens

Weight Range: 4 - 6.5kg

Shedding: Minimal

Energy Levels: High

Oriental Shorthair

Origin: Foreign Whites

Age Expectancy: Late Teens

Weight Range: 4-8kg

Shedding: Minimal

Energy Levels: High

Russian Blue

Origin: Russia

Age Expectancy: Late Teens

Weight Range: 4-8kg

Shedding: Minimal

Energy Levels: High

Scottish Fold Cat

Origin: Scotland

Age Expectancy: 12-14 yrs

Weight Range: 4-6kg

Shedding: Minimal

Energy Levels: Medium

Siamese Cat

Origin: Thailand

Age Expectancy: Late Teens, Early 20's

Weight Range: 3-7kg

Shedding: Minimal

Energy Levels: Medium

Tonkinese Cat

Origin: USA

Age Expectancy: Late Teens

Weight Range: 2.5 - 5.5kg

Shedding: Minimal

Energy Levels: Medium

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Russian Blue

The Russian Blue LOVES human attention and can appear to be quite hurt when rejected. They're quite content to be house cats as long as they have the company of their human friends.

Turkish Van Cat

Turkish Vans are extremely intelligent, friendly and make excellent companion cats. They have quiet soft voices and are happy to be indoor cats, so long as they're given plenty of company and are kept amused.

Bombay Cat

The bombay is a friendly, intelligent and affectionate cat, but make sure their curiosity and friendliness doesn't lead them to wander into visitor’s cars or delivery vans!

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