Scottish Fold Cat

Scottish Fold Cat

The most noticeable feature of a Scottish Fold is its ears, which are small and tightly folded, forward and down. The earflap is folded over completely to cover the ear opening and the flap is stiff and cartilaginous. The tips of the ear are rounded.

The Scottish Fold is of medium size with a solid compact body. Folded ears are the most distinctive characteristic of this cat.

Scottish Fold kittens are born with normal ears and over about three weeks the ears start to fold, and is permanent by three months of age.

Their coat is rather thick and comes in a large variety of colours and patterns. Robust and rounded, these cats have rounded heads, short necks, and round eyes.

The Scottish Fold has a sweet, gentle temperament despite its strange appearance. They are good with children and other animals.

The short dense coat of the Scottish Fold is easily cared for and needs no special grooming, though brushing helps remove dead hairs.

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