Devon Rex Cat

The Trouble and Trix Team

Devon Rex Cat

An adult Devon Rex is a medium sized cat, although the head looks large and the chest is broad. The head is triangular and the nose appears to change direction right below the eyes. The eyes are large and the ears are extremely large, set low on the head with a wide base.

Their butterfly ears, along with the other distinct facial features, give a look like that of a pixie or elf. The soft and curly coat on the Devon Rex is also unusual. Many Devons have a lack of fur on some areas, especially those areas where the cat can lick themselves.

Devons are lively and outgoing cats seem to be born comedians. They have several ‘dog-like’ qualities, such as a fondness for fetching toys, and can be trained to walk on a harness and lead.

They are very gentle and loving cats, and hate to be bored or alone.

Visitors to the house may be surprised to find that they are thoroughly investigated by a nosy Devon Rex before they have a chance to sit down. These cats will respond well to cat-loving guests and will snuggle up to them.

However, Rexes are not lap cats and will soon be off and attempting to get the visitor to dangle and throw its toys.

Lots of things to play with and climb on should be provided for this cat, and multilevel scratching posts will be much appreciated for the opportunities they present. If you are looking for a cat that will really value your attention, and you have the time to give them the attention they deserve, then a Rex may be the cat for you.

The Devon Rex’s wavy coat needs the minimum amount of care. The coat is fragile and even grooming can cause the fur to break off completely.

Devons also generally have broken whiskers because the whiskers are also fragile.

Being rubbed gently with a cloth will keep them nicely groomed.

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