Medium Hair Cat Breeds

The Trouble and Trix Team

Medium Hair Cat Breeds

A popular mid-way option, medium hair cats are popular because they're a great middle-of-the-road option for people who don't want a longhaired cat, but want a softer, fluffier kitty than a shorthaired cat.

They also require less grooming than cats with long hair but more than those with short coats.

Balinese Cat

Origin: USA

Age Expectancy: About 12 yrs

Weight Range: 2.5 - 5kg

Shedding: Intermediate

Energy Levels: High

LaPerms Cat

Origin: USA

Age Expectancy: 13-15 yrs

Weight Range: 4-7kg

Shedding: Intermediate

Energy Levels: High

Maine Coon

Origin: USA

Age Expectancy: 9-15 yrs

Weight Range: 4-8kg

Shedding: Intermediate

Energy Levels: Medium

Norwegian Forest Cat

Origin: Scandanavia

Age Expectancy: 10-12 yrs

Weight Range: 6-10kg

Shedding: Intermediate

Energy Levels: Medium

The Ragdoll

Origin: USA

Age Expectancy: 10-12 yrs

Weight Range: 4.5 - 9kg

Shedding: Intermediate

Energy Levels: Low

Somali Cat

Origin: USA

Age Expectancy: 12-13 yrs

Weight Range: 4-7kg

Shedding: Intermediate

Energy Levels: Medium

Turkish Van Cat

Origin: Turkey

Age Expectancy: 12-14 yrs

Weight Range: 3 - 8.5kg

Shedding: Intermediate

Energy Levels: Medium

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