Bombay Cat

The Trouble and Trix Team

Bombay Cat

The Bombay is a medium built cat, with a glossy, jet black coat. The head has good width between the ears and a gently rounded dome. The jaw is wide at the hinge tapering to a broad blunt muzzle. In profile, their head forms a short wedge with a firm chin and short nose.

The chin and the tip of the nose are in the same vertical plane. Their ears are of medium size with a rounded tip. They move with their faces slightly tilted forward, with beautiful copper/gold eyes set well apart, full and expressive. The body of a Bombay cat is firm and muscular with a strong, straight back.

Their legs are of medium length and their hind legs are a little longer than the front. The paws are oval and the tail is medium to long, tapering slightly to a rounded tip.

The Bombay cat is friendly, intelligent and affectionate, however the curiosity and friendliness of the Bombay can often lead them to stray into visitor’s cars or delivery vans, so they may be best confined to the house or secure premises.

They usually settle quite happily into this arrangement, as above all they do love their home comforts.

They love to play, and toys and a scratching post should be provided for amusement as well as quality time set aside for play with their humans.

They can be very sensitive to their owner’s feelings and this makes them excellent companions.

They are generally good with children and when fed up with the rough and tumble of play with human children will stalk off until peace resumes.

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