Bengal Cat

The Trouble and Trix Team

Bengal Cat

The Bengal have similarities to that of a wild cat in appearance.

They are a large cat and quite muscular.

Everything about the cat appears large, massive, and thick. The only thing that is moderate is the medium leg length.

The Bengal has a large, triangular shaped head. He has a thick neck, large feet, and a thick tail. The spots on the coat should not line up in rows, but should appear randomly placed. The coat of the Bengal is short and may even feel a little rough naturally.

There are three different coat colours of the Bengal: Traditional Tabby colours: Brown Spotted & Brown Marbled. Sepia Tabby Colours: Seal Sepia Spotted Tabby & Seal Sepia Marbled Tabby. Mink Colours: Seal Mink Spotted Tabby & Seal Mink Marbled Tabby.

Bengals are intelligent, active, energetic cats and have a unique love of water.

They are agile, like to climb, enjoying high places & can be vocal, with a distinctive voice.

They get along well with other pets & people. Many Bengal owners have trained their cat to walk on a harness, so they can enjoy the great outdoors in safety.

The short close-lying coat of the Bengal does not require much grooming although they do appreciate the attention when brushed.

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