The Ragdoll

The Trouble and Trix Team

The Ragdoll

The Ragdoll is one of the largest domesticated cat breeds with a sturdy body, large frame and proportionate legs. The genes for point coloration are also responsible for the blue eyes of the Ragdoll.

The breed has a plush coat. The Ragdoll has a “pointed” coat colour, meaning that like a Siamese, the extremities are darker than the torso. Ragdolls come in six different colours – seal, (brown points); blue (gray points); flame (orange points); and their corresponding “dilutes” or pastel shades – chocolate, lilac and cream points.

Ragdoll kittens are all born white.

They gradually darken and have representative colour at 8 – 10 weeks and full colour and coat at 3 – 4 years. There are three different patterns: colourpoint, mitted and bi-colour.

The Ragdoll is possibly the most laid back of all the domestic cat breeds. They are basically content and undemanding and tolerate most situations.

They have an extremely gentle and relaxed nature, and make loyal and devoted pets.

There is an old-wives tale that these cats are immune to pain – this is totally untrue!

The Ragdoll does require regular grooming to keep its striking coat in good condition. If the grooming process is started as a kitten they soon become used to it and enjoy the attention it brings.

Daily attention will prevent a build up of knots and the fight that comes to remove tangles and matts from a neglected coat.

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